Have you checked out your local Tip shop?

Yep, when I talk about a Tip shop – I literally mean a shop that is in your local rubbish dump. I only discovered my local one in the last few months and wasn’t that keen on the idea (because let’s be honest, it does sound kind of grim) – but I’m a convert!

You know me, I love a second-hand bargain – thanks to a baby, moving from a flat to a house, and the cost of living crisis – I don’t have cash to waste. So I’m always on the hunt for lovely stuff, but for a tiny fraction of the cost.

Look what I found yesterday at the Tip Shop – I was chuffed! I practically brand new Scuttlebug bike thingy FOR JUST £1 – They’re £27 at Argos.

Look at that smiley face!

What is a tip shop?

Typically run by your local authority – when dropping off a load of rubbish at the tip – if you have something that’s too good to go to landfill, you can put it in a ‘special area’, and a worker will take it to the on-site shop (not going to lie – John Lewis smells better!).

Not all tips will have a shop – so your item will be transported to a different tip, which has one (Google your town/city and Tip Shop and see what comes up to find yours).

I’m also assuming that the people who work at the tip will keep an eye out for items that can be sold on. There’s no point sending stuff to landfills if other people can use it. It’s better for the environment too.

The money the tip shop makes goes back into local council projects. It’s win-win.

What can you buy at a tip shop?

What can’t you buy at the tip shop is the real question! In my local one in Swansea, there’s a big clothing section (which I personally think is a little overpriced), tech (all tested), furniture, and bric-a-brac.

Honestly, who knows what will be in there – it depends on who is clearing out their attic I suppose!

My favourite section is the children’s toy area. Since having a little one, I’ve learned that they generally are only interested in a toy for a short time before they outgrow it or lose interest. So you find practically brand new stuff in there.

How much are items at the tip shop?

Not much at all. I can’t speak for all Tip Shops (let me know in the comments if your local one is different), but we’re talking only a couple of quid for things.

That baby bike I bought was a £1 – but I’ve seen oak chest of drawers go for a tenner.

Sure, the tip shop isn’t the most glamorous of places, but you know what they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure!

Did you know I’ve written a book? – On The Money

I have! I wrote it and got it published during my maternity leave. It’s a step-by-step guide to get you to where you want to financially be.

I promise it’s not boring or full of stupid gimmicks. You can get it at all good book shops – but On The Money is cheapest at Amazon.


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