Bidhero – the new brilliant eBay mobile app

There is no better place to bag yourself a bargain than on eBay. But have you heard of those people who snag unbelievable offers – like a 99p brand new coat that should cost £100 and wonder how they do it? Well, serious eBay shoppers use cheeky tools to get ahead of the game. One of the best money savers I know (we used to work together at, has just created a genius eBay mobile app – which puts ALL of these tools together. It’s legit the best one out there (and free).

mobile ebay app

Tricksy eBay shoppers get the best bargains using tools

Bidhero – the new eBay mobile app

Know about a cheeky eBay tool? Well, I bet it’s included in this app.

Local Deals

This is my favourite feature because it’s where you find interesting bits in your local area you have to pick up. First off, because you have to collect in person, most of eBay isn’t bidding on it, so you can buy items cheaply.

Also, you can buy big things, so it’s perfect for furniture and there are no delivery costs.

mobile ebay app

This tool is perfect for finding big items in your local area (and then dragging them home)

With the app, you just put in your postcode and the max distance you’ll go to pick it up. You can also put cost restrictions in/categories etc. Click ‘search eBay’ and it will all be there for you. It’s great. Came really close to buying a Fortum and Mason basket for £20… stopped myself because I could probably do without a massive basket in my tiny flat.


This is the genius section of the app. There are so many people who put items on to sell and misspell the brand name, meaning potential buyers just don’t see it.

Let’s say you love Monsoon clothing. You put the word Monsoon into the app and it will come back with all the misspelled variations, such as ‘Mnsoon’, ‘Mosoon’ and ‘Monson’. Obviously, these items are usually pretty cheap because they don’t come up in searches.

mobile ebay tool

Well, spelling does if you want people to bid on your item

Zero bids

Here you can find all the items that have no bids whatsoever. You can be specific with the categories or brands you are looking for, or you can search everything.

The items come up with the products that are ending soonest – which means there it’s less likely someone else will come in and create a bidding war.

Night Auctions

mobile ebay app

Shopping at night means you have no competitors


If you’re an eBay selling pro, you’ll know that you should end your listing between 6pm – 8pm in the evening as that’s when the majority of people will be browsing eBay.

However, there are people who don’t realise this and set their item to end in the night where hardly anyone is watching – and therefore bidding. The app will find all these auctions for you.

Penny Auctions

This is a bit like the zero bids auction, but it finds items that are currently only 1p.

Other eBay searches

As well as the above that allow you to ‘hack’ the system, Bidhero will also find you eBay’s Daily Deals, Unwanted Gifts, Unwanted prizes, ‘Like New’ actions and new ‘Buy it now’ posts. See – it really does have everything you need to get a bargain off eBay.

How to get the app

It’s totally free to download and use and is available at the App Store and Google Play.

If you’re a fan of eBay – I honestly reckon this is the best app out there. Try it out and let me know what you think.


One Response

  1. optimus February 23, 2025

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